
What is a tornado kick

What is a tornado kick
The tornado kick, also known as the triple crescent, is a complex kicking technique that offers two key advantages over simply planted kicks. Torsion, or rotating momentum, is developed in the hips and core during the tornado kick, giving it maximum force.

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The tornado kick confuses an opponent. An opponent can’t see where a tornado kick is coming from, making it tough to dodge or evade. It’s easy to lose control of this kick, which reduces the focused force of the strike. Aerial kicks must also be launched and aimed accurately to make contact. Uncontrolled tornado kicks or miss-targeted kicks are ineffective.

The secret to learning to do a tornado kick is practice. Practicing tornado kicking techniques under the supervision of a teacher or coach will assist in developing an excellent tornado kick.

The Kbands’ focused resistance can boost the tornado kick’s power, force, and precision. Legs, hips, and core muscles will become stronger after several practice rounds and repetition using Kbands Resistance Bands. After the bands are removed, the body will build balance and muscle memory, making the tornado kicking motion seem light and rapid.


Martial artists must warm up their muscles and stretch appropriately before starting a practice session. The upper legs can be banded after activating and stretching muscles. The user can then attach the Bands Resistance Bands to the metal rings of the straps.


For the tornado kick, pupils can spar. Feet grounded, arms outstretched, elbows bent, hands open and relaxed. The right leg will kick up with full effort, the knee securely compressed to the chest.

The right leg crosses the torso in front of the right foot. The right foot planting will initially be uncomfortable, but the feet should be close together. After the right foot is planted, the body rotates, and the left leg rises. The left leg will NOT kick. The left leg creates the torsional momentum that generates the right leg’s force.

The left leg is raised at the hips and extended halfway out of the body. This leg will be utilized to develop the core power but will quickly return to the ground to plant the body as the right leg kicks.

The right calf raises from the floor during the left leg’s turning motion, and the right foot targets the target. At this phase, the pupil should focus on the target’s collision with the right foot. Visualize the target at face height.

The tornado kick appears to be three kicks; however, the first two are used for placement and momentum generation. Kick one: rising right leg crosses torso from sparring posture. In the second kick, the student rotates 360 degrees. Finally, kick three: right leg rising from the ground, striking the opponent in the face.

For the third kick to be effective, it must build on the momentum of the second and reach the objective. The third kick should be controlled as well. Again, practice and repetition will be the key to efficient tornado kicking. Coaches and teachers seeing students performing the tornado kick should look for balance, control, and a core-centered physique. Always keep the student’s eyes on the target, not the ground. Stretching, warming up, and maximizing the range of motion will make this kick much easier and more synchronized.


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